Thursday, May 16, 2013

Eric Carle and Rocket Ships

This week my first graders finished working on their spring trees, and I got to start a new project. The new project is really fun because it is on outer space and rocket ships! My students are very thrilled and have a great amount of previous knowledge on this topic. Today we learned about the different planets and the parts to the rocket ships. These parts were of the stages, wings, space craft, satellite, and rocket boosters. To understand if the student knew the information I had them draw a picture of what we discussed. The students also drew the picture because it is their sketch of what they will be building out of clay next class. How exciting! The students asked me if we could really fly these rocket ships. I told them, we are only making rocket ships that our sculptures.

In my Kindergarten class we read an Eric Carle book, Head to Toe. This was a great read because the students were engaged by doing the movements and we also learned many words that were verbs. The students also enjoyed the illustrations. For our project we started making sheets of papers into paintings like Eric Carle. We made different lines, textures, and used many colors so our art work will be bright and beautiful. Next class we are going to cut up the pieces of paper into shapes so we can build an animal like Eric Carle. The students liked this project as well because there is no way to screw it up and no one has to be self-conscious about their work.

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