Thursday, March 14, 2013

Clay Fish!

   Who wouldn't love to make a clay fish!?? So far the kindergarten classes really loved making these beautiful fish. While giving the demonstration we first learned how to roll the clay. Most of the students knew how to do this because they have previously rolled clay this school year. Next was a very difficult task for the students because they had to hold down the cardboard shaped fish while cutting around it. Doing two tasks at once became slight difficult for some of the students, and a breeze for others. From here you can really see who has more advanced motor skills then some other of the students.
   Once the fish were completely cut out, the students had to show me they were ready to move to the next step. The next part of making the fish was to add the texture!!! Texture? What is texture? Well kindergarten students didn't really understand what the word texture means so we found objects in the room that had smooth texture and rough bumpy texture. The students learned that texture is how a surface looks and feels! They really enjoyed feeling different objects and describing their textures!  When the students understood what texture meant, we then added texture to our fish. We had a big box of different materials that worked very well. The students really liked getting creative and mixing up textures to make their fish.
The Class's Fish!!!

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