Friday, February 15, 2013

Taking over for the day!!!

     So was an amazing experience for me to have because Ms. Hellen was out and preparing for her sisters big wedding tomorrow. This meant that I was left to take control of all of the classes and even other classes I have not met before. I had no worries about the day and it really did turn out as fine as I expected it. What I really liked was that the substitute stood aside and let me take over. She realized that I have a very special bond with my students. The students that I have never met before even loved me to death, it was as if my teaching methods just couldn't go wrong. Overall, the students were very respectful and treated me as they would Ms. Hellen. I was soooo happy with all of them and glad they do look up to me. I enjoy my little students so much.
    In my first grade classes the students were painting their Harlem Renaissance paintings. We focused on holding the paint brush like a pencil and how to apply paint to the paper. Some of my students had some difficulties but we worked around them. I helped every student in this short period of time and they all ended up feeling proud of their work.
The one thing I was afraid of today was being able to get the classroom and the students cleaned up at the end of class. Usually end of class picking up paint and putting supplies away can be hectic but today it really wasn't. It went smooth and the students did their jobs correctly.
     In my sweet Kindergarten classes, the substitute could not get over how well behaved and productive the students were. For today the students had to paint their hybrid vehicles and then put fluorescent designs on top. All the students finished as well and they all had a great time. All of my classes left a good report for Ms. Hellen!!!


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Week 3

    This week the kindergarten students began to build their vehicles that they have drawn from last week. I was happy to give my first demonstration and take control of the class. The students responded very well and came up with some great vehicles. What I loved most was when I told the students that we would be building they all dropped their jaws to the floor and kept saying "woooowww." I just love their personalities and how impressed they are with the most simple things. Here is a students vehicle that she called an airplane car with rocket boosters in the front and back. How smart!
     Also, I enjoyed while the students were working and I would ask them why they chose what they chose and explain to me what it will do for the vehicle. This helped them make better choices and really think about what they are doing. This prevented the students from making a mess and something meaningful. Overall the students all did something different and all had a great time!

    In the first grade classes, the students began their own Harlem Renaissance portrait. We have chosen to use bright paper for the students to paint on because all the Harlem Renaissance paintings are bright. So far the students drew out their ideas and made something that was in their daily life. Most of them drew portraits of their house, their family,  or themselves doing their favorite activity.
   I noticed that many of them had a hard time thinking of something to draw when the topic is so broad. Therefor I helped students come up with an idea and make something that really represents them. Others I would help by demonstrating how simple shapes can be put together to make more complex shapes.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Week 2!

     My second week has been just a great as the first one. I have been trying hard to remember my 6 classes of students names which is extremely difficult. I am not sure if I will ever be successful at pronouncing their unique names. Although the students I have to discipline more are the ones I remember the most because I am constantly saying their names!!
    In my kindergarten class we worked with mixing primary colors for a day. The colors were water mixed with food coloring...and the students LOVED it!! I think they enjoyed because they could make a mess and do whatever they wanted with the colors. I worked with many of the students and asked them to make a color to see if they were learning. I was surprised that students this young were so smart and could create secondary colors....most high school students I know cant even do that (which is pathetic.) One of favorite times during class was when one student shouted "Ms.Samantha, I made the color blonde!" I thought it was so funny that a kindergartner would refer to a light yellow as blonde...and then I remembered that it was because all the students love my long blonde hair. What really made me laugh was that all the students in the class tried making the color blonde and had to show me.
    After working with the primary colors, the kindergarten students were introduced to a new project. They were introduced to "transportation" and the class had to come up with a list together of vehicles that go on land, the air, and in water. With this list the student had to pick two vehicles that do different things and combine them. So therefore the students had become an inventor and had to create a interesting vehicle. They students were required to draw their image and make a background that applies to where they vehicle is going to be. They also had to tell Ms. Hellen and I what this vehicle is so we could label their work because next class we are going to build them!!! I cam to the conclusion that a rocket ship was defiantly the most popular vehicle.
    In my first grade class the students began a new project as well. We have started the Harlem Renaissance and the students really respond well to the art. For the first class all we have done is talk about each piece of art work and the different objects that are in them. We talked about the use of color, the shapes, and even about the culture being portrayed. The students really got into it and really loved the mans shoes in this picture. They claim they are high heels.

    Lastly, Ms.Hellen and I put up the art display in the hallway. All the work was done by the 2nd graders and their art was on the urban, suburban, and rural areas. They were extremely beautiful and I couldn't believe how good the watercolor ones came out!! They looked better then the older students I have had! This painting shows a foreground, middle ground, and background. The colors are not bleeding all over and the work is very neat. It goes to show that sometimes younger students put more effort into their artwork then high school students who don't want to be in their class.