Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Work in Progress

    The students in my studio classes are on the ball!!! All of them are caught up and are ready for the next steps. I am so happy and surprised it is still going so well as planned. I noticed that if I keep on them constantly and separate certain students on and off, they actually get the work done. Today I had the class to myself because Mrs. Valenti was upstairs. The class worked hard through out the whole class and did such a good job. I hope this great work continues through the last week I am here!

    In my painting and drawing class, the students began their pointillism project in black and white. What I really enjoy with this class is that they are so well behaved and want to impress me. With the studio classes the students get the work done because they have to. In this class, they want everything they do to look flawless just to impress me and prove to me they can do the work When I am in this class I dot feel like I am baby sitting and the art work comes out the best I have ever seen for their age group!

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