Wednesday, November 28, 2012

New Facial Proportions

Because yesterday’s class did not go so well, we tried a different activity with today’s class. Instead of working with an image that was head on, we gather images that are on the side. The students are also now working with the bone structure of the face because it is the foundation of the shape of the face. The students could learn to create the face without focusing on the eyes, nose, and lips. Letting the students see the face for its shape and nothing else really helped.
      The turnout in the students’ work has improved so much that you would not even know it was the same students. I can tell that the students are starting to feel more confident in their work so they are trying even harder. I plan to keep working on the sheets until they feel comfortable to work from a still life. I think it would be great to do gesture drawings instead of working from a photo. I realized that the students need to take small steps at a time though.

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