Saturday, November 3, 2012

Boston Field Trip!!

       Today we went on an amazing field trip to Boston, Massachusetts. The students that came on this trip are all in an art class at Averill Park. The great part about the trip was that I knew many of the students from being in my art classes. It was fun to experience and see famous art in person instead learning about art from a book.  
        The first place we stopped was at The Institute of Contemporary Art  (ICA). Here we learned about the amazing structure of the building and how it was designed. We learned that the design of this building was made to be different then an ordinary building. The building is shaped small on bottom to large on top. The building is very top heavy and makes the public question how the building stays up.

          We also learned that this building only pays 99 cents a year to be on the water. We guessed that it would cost millions of dollars because of the location and because it was right on the water. But they don’t even pay a full dollar a year. How unfair!!!
      Here is the whole group of students! This is when we first arrived at ICA. Samantha and I jumped in the back of the group picture. It was difficult to stand there with 50 students and get them to smile and look forward because the wind from the water was so cold.
        After our tour through ICA, we had the chance to create art there. After seeing the Brazilian artist Os Gemous, the students learned that they can create art from materials they may think is garbage.  So the students had to create art from a block of wood and different scraps. The students had to create a name and explain why the art related to them. I was impressed to see so many different interpretations from the students.

            After we went to ICA, we went to the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA). Here we also had a lot of fun and got to see great artists we learn about in school such as Kara Walker and Chuck Close. The students liked to familiarize themselves with art they have previously have seen. It was funny that my group really wanted to see African art the whole time we were there

            I really enjoyed being with my group of students. I got a kick out of them because every room we went into they had to sit on the nearest bench. They refused to look at the art unless they were seated.  It was funny that I was the only one walking around and I knew if I saw a bench nearby, they were all running to it. They were so funny and such typical high school students. I probably would have done the same thing at that age.

          After, we went to the Quincy Markets for a few hours and then head home. We got back to the school around 10:20 at night. The students had a great time and didn’t mind wasting a Friday night at museums. This is how I know my students are very talented and appreciate art more than other students I know.  I was happy to get to have this opportunity and experience with them.

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