Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Drawing Critique

       In my drawing class, the students’ take home project was due. These home work assignments were interesting to see because you did not know what to expect. These students were responsible for taking an image and zooming into a small area and draw the image to a much bigger scale. The project was looking for an image that had texture and contrast. This assignment also required the students to use only a 2B pencil. This made it a challenge for many of the students to create great contrast in their drawings because the pencil does not reach the darkest values as their photos do. I told the students that it is important to go back in with an eraser so they could create lighter values so the darkest areas would stand out more.
    Because the drawings were due and no one has seen each others, we decided to have a critique. Mrs. Valenti and I left a sheet of paper next to everyone’s drawings and the students had to go around to everyone and leave a comment. These comments could have been a complement or even some advise. This was a good activity because the students were not shy to participate and everyone was involved. All the students were able to get great amounts of feedback to improve their work as well.

      After the critique the students had to present their power points of the artist they chose to the class. I was impressed to see how much work the students put into this project as well. I also liked to see their artists they chose. It was nice to learn some new things from my own students. They did a great job.

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