Thursday, November 8, 2012

My Watercolor Lesson-Day 1

     Today was my first day teaching on my own! I created my own lesson plan on the introduction to watercolors. I first started off with a power point so I could give my students a history background of watercolors. I also showed the students some artists who were well know for creating watercolor paintings and certain techniques. I also showed the students more present types of watercolor artists and how they have become much more abstract.
      After, I showed the students my example project I have created. I had one project that was finished and worth an “A” and one that was worth a “F.” This way my students knew right off the bat that they had to fill the whole space and what was expected of them. Once they saw the project I finished off the power point with more examples of each technique. I explained their importance and how they are done. I called on the students and asked them how they would do the technique just to make sure they would understand. They all really understood each process and responded well. I was glad I did so well on my first time teaching.
      Next I wrote on the board the measurements and how to label each technique square. As I finished up explaining to the class, I walked around and helped students as they went through each technique. I was really impressed with many of their projects and hope they do this well the next time around.

(This class has finally finished their ink projects as well)

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