Thursday, October 11, 2012

Studio Print making + Drawing

(Student finishing up on carving)
In my A day studio class, we finished working on the students prints. Because I am doing a special power point on the steps of print making, I took photos of students at different stages. So far, all mine and Mrs. Valenti’s students in the studio classes are caught up and next class we will matt the prints.  


           Next in my drawing class, Mrs. Valenti asked me what we could do next with the students. We both combined our ideas and decided we were going to take famous paintings and break them up into 4 even squares. Then the students would be responsible for choosing a piece of the image and work together in a group to create the whole image. So the students would be completing ¼ of the image.
          Because the students were still learning to work with oil pastels, the students were shown images of Seurat and Van Gogh to see examples of impressionistic artworks. The students were also told to alter the image and change the colors in the images. Many of the groups came up with ideas where each block they would do a different color scheme. Most of the class time went to sketching out the image and planning the group’s idea.  Class was very successful so far and I was glad my idea input was good.

                                            ( Students working together and mapping out their ideas.)  

         Mrs. Valenti and I also found some older art work in the back of the class room. These examples were cool because the students were only allowed to use two primary colors and black and white. These examples really proved to the students that there is a lot of variation of colors that can be created with few colors. The examples were also broken up into smaller squares to make a whole, so the students could see how their images would fit together as well.

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