Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Studio Print Making + Yearbook Votes


      Today in my studio class, the students continued to work with the larger print images they have created. The students were responsible for creating at least 3 successful prints and to repeat them on a few different sheets. Students also got to experiment with using different colored paper and inks as well. Because I like to give advice, I showed the students how to mix colors and create different effects. The students at first thought that print making was made with one solid color. I showed them that a mixture of colors looks much more interesting. Many of the students were blown away and kept challenging themselves to make the most impressive print. I was glad to see I got some of the students even more interested with their work. Some students were able to create different shades, fade one color to another, and some tried putting different over lapping of colors. I was impressed on how much more the B day studio class was involved and experimental. Maybe tomorrow I will try to enforce the students to try more effects like I did to this class.

Shannon named her faded
ink colors "the ocean."
Sydney called her color variation “the sunset.”   

(Here are some examples of different colors fading into another color. Some students worked with mixing many different shades of colors as well.)         
Creating different shades of purple.

         (This is a more completed image of the class prints.)

   Lastly, in my yearbook class the girls had me and Mrs. Valenti take photos of them for the year book because this week was spirit week. The students had to wear their favorite team or jersey. Come to find out, many of the students were big Giants fans.

In class I was responsible for checking all the tallies for the student personalities because many of the students want to skew the votes to their interests. It actually took so much time that I had to stay after for another 2 hours. The good news was that me and Mrs. Valenti did finish and got to post the personalities up for the school to see. All the students were extremely excited to see the results and I was happy to take part in it. It really helped me to get to know the names of students that I don’t have in my classes and my students more on a personal level. It was a fun experience to have with my students.

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